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Hungarian Light Tank
Hungarian Light Tank
Hungarian Armoured Car
Hungarian SP AA
Turan II Medium Tank
Hungarian Assault Gun
Hungarian Assault Gun with side armour
Armoured Command Vehicle
Armoured Command Vehicle
Soviet Assault Gun
Pickup version of the standard Austin 10
Austin 10 Derivation
Austin 10 Derivation
Armoured Car
Armoured Car
Italian Armoured Car
Italian Transport
Broneavtomobil 10
38M Toldi I
This model comes as two parts; hull & turret.

The Toldi was a light tank used by Hungary against Yugoslavia in WWII and then in Russia.

It was named after the 14th century Hungarian knight Miklós Toldi.

A total of 202 Toldis were produced but the figure includes Mk I, II, IIa and 3.

The Toldi I featured a 20mm Soluthurn anti-tank rifle. 80 Toldi Is were made.
Hungarian Light Tank
38M Toldi II
This model comes as two parts; hull & turret.

The Toldi was a light tank used by Hungary against Yugoslavia in WWII and then in Russia.

It was named after the 14th century Hungarian knight Miklós Toldi.

A total of 202 Toldis were produced but the figure includes Mk I, II, IIa and 3.

The Toldi featured a 20mm main gun and 8mm machine gun and had a crew of 3.
Hungarian Light Tank
39M Csaba
Model comes in two parts; Body & Turret

The 39M Csaba saw service with the Hungarian Army between 1939 and 1944. Some 137 were built and they were used as fighting vehicles as a well as command cars and reconnaissance vehicles.

It weighed just under 6 tons and had a 20 mm Solothurn anti-tank rifle and an 8 mm machine gun. It had a crew of three; driver, commander and gunner.
Hungarian Armoured Car
40M Nimrod
Model comes in two parts - Hull & Turret.

The 40M Nimrod was a Hungarian self-propelled anti-airtcraft gun.

It weighted 10.5 tonnes and had a crew of 6.

It was armed with a 40mm 36M anti-aircraft gun whichh was  Hungairan bult licensed version of the 40mm Bofors L/60 which could fire 120 rounds per minute.
Hungarian SP AA
41M Turan Mk II
This model comes as two parts; hull & turret.

The Turan was based on the Czechoslovakian T-21 medium tank. It came in two main versions, the 40M Turan (Turan I) and the 41m Turan (Turan II). One of the main differences was the Turan I had a 40mm gun while the II had a 75m gun.

A total of 424 Turans were built btween 1940 and 1944.

The Turan II weighed 18.2 tonnes and had a 75 mm 41M L/25 gun plus two 8mm Gebauer 34/40.M machine guns.

The Turans were employed by the 1st and 2nd Hungarian Armoured Divisions, as well as the 1st Cavalry Division, in 1943 and 1944. Only one survives and can be found in the Kubinka Tank Museum near Moscow.
Turan II Medium Tank
43M Zrinyi
Model comes as one part.

The Zrinyi was a Hungarian assault gun based on the 40M Turan tank's chassis. There were two models the Zrinyi I & Zrinyi II, however the I never got beyond the prototype stage.

Between 40 and 60 Zrinyis were produced between 1943 and 1944.

The vehicle weighed 21 tons and had a crew of four. It was armed with a 105 mm MÁVAG 40/43M howitzer and carried 42 rounds.
Hungarian Assault Gun
43M Zrinyi (side armour)
Model comes as one part.

The Zrinyi was a Hungarian assault gun based on the 40M Turan tank's chassis. There were two models the Zrinyi I & Zrinyi II, however the I never got beyond the prototype stage.

Between 40 and 60 Zrinyis were produced between 1943 and 1944. This one comes with the side armour.

The vehicle weighed 21 tons and had a crew of four. It was armed with a 105 mm MÁVAG 40/43M howitzer and carried 42 rounds.

This version has the side armour.
Hungarian Assault Gun with side armour
AEC 4x4 Dorchester
Model comes as one part.

The 'Dorchester' was a 4x4 command vehicle based on the AEC Matador chassis. It first aw action in north Africa and remained in service throughout the war.

They were armed with a Bren gun though these were carried inside the vehicle.

415 Dorchesters were built between 1941 and 1948. They weighed 12.2 tonnes and had a crew of 7 or 8.
Armoured Command Vehicle
Model comes as one part.

The AEC 6x6 was an Armoured Command Vehicle developed in 1944 after the 4x4 Dorchester.
It was a bigger vehicle which weighed 17 tons. 151 were built.
Armoured Command Vehicle
Archer Tank Destroyer
Model comes in one part.

The Archer, or Self Propelled 17pdr, Valentine, Mk I, Archer, to give it its full name, was based on the Valentine infantry tank chassis, fitted with an Ordnance QF 17 pounder gun.

655 were produced between March 1943 and May 1945. It saw action in northwest Europe and Italy. It had a crew of 4, Commander, Driver, Loader and Gunner. It carried 39 rounds and was fitted with a .303 Bren machine gun.
Model comes in 5 parts (plastic,  resin is 1 part)

The ASU-57 was a small Soviet assault gun designed for use by Soviet airborne divisions. It was in service between 1951 and the late 60s.

It was armed with a 57mm gun and a 7.62mm anti-aircraft machine gun.

The ASU-57 was designed to be dropped by parachute from an An-12 aircraft.

Please Note: Model photo is of a resin print

Soviet Assault Gun
Austin 10 Pickup
Model comes as one part.
Pickup version of the standard Austin 10
Austin 10 Staff Car
Model comes as one part.
Austin Tilly Light Truck
Model comes in one part

The Austin Tilly was so-called  as it was a 'utility' version of a standard British car, in this case the Austin Ten. (other 'Tillys' were based on other types for instance Morris, Standard & Hillman).
Austin 10 Derivation
Austin Tilly Light Truck (open)
Model comes in one part

The Austin Tilly was so-called  as it was a 'utility' version of a standard British car, in this case the Austin Ten. (other 'Tillys' were based on other types for instance Morris, Standard & Hillman).

This version has an opening in the canopy. a miniatures or two could be placed in the rear of the vehicle.
Austin 10 Derivation
Autoblinda 40
Model comes in two parts; body & turret.

The Autoblinda was an Italian armoured car manufactured by Fiat-Ansaldo between 1941 & 1943. It came in three versions, 40, 41 & 43, named after the year of production.

Most versions were armed with a 35mm Breda 20mm autocannon and an 8mm coaxial machine gun.

Some 550 of all versions were built and they were used by Italy & Germany.
Armoured Car
Autoblinda 43 (v1)
Model comes in two parts; body & turret.

The Autoblinda was an Italian armoured car manufactured by Fiat-Ansaldo between 1941 & 1943. It came in three versions, 40, 41 & 43, named after the year of production.

Most versions were armed with a 35mm Breda 20mm autocannon and an 8mm coaxial machine gun.

Some 550 of all versions were built and they were used by Italy & Germany.
Armoured Car
Autoblinda Lince
Model comes as one part.

The Lince (or Lynx) was an Italian copy of the British Daimler Dingo armoured car used by the Italians between 1943 and 1945.

Around 250 were made and they were armed with an 8mm machine gun.
Italian Armoured Car
Autoprotetto S37
Model Comes as one part.

The S37 was in service with the Italian Army between 1941 and 1945. It was an armoured troop transport developed from the Fiat SPA 37. It had a driver and carried 8 troops.

It was usually armed with a Breda machine gun though some models were equipped with a flame thrower or a 47mm L.32 anti-tank gun. There were also some command versions fitted with a radio system.

Italian Transport
Model comes in two parts; Body & Turret.

The BA-10 was a Russian armoured car built between 1938 and 1941, though it was used throughout the war into 1945. Large numbers were captured by the Finns & Germans.

The vehicle was built on the Gaz-AAA six-wheeled truck. It weighted 5.14 tonnes and a top road speed of 53kph. It was armed with a 45mm 20K gun with 49 rounds and 2 7.62mm DT machine guns.
Broneavtomobil 10
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